Saturday, February 2, 2013

JAN 28

One old student came to see me with two raw eggs. He told me that his brother who got cancer had just passed away. He went in and out of the hospital for more two weeks to see his brother. He felt uncomfortable with a swelling head. He couldn't sleep well and had very bad dreams. He was actually attacked and attached by the invisible spiritual viruses on to his aura. 
These beings could be found in hospital, graveyards, temples and other negative areas. They have no consciousness and are harmless but they feed on human's energy like a parasite.
When they saw my student who had a bright aura after practising Tai Chi for so many years in the hospital, they just attached to him and sucked his energy. He felt weak and tired easily.
I took an raw egg brought by him and created or transformed it into a second home with full of energy inside. I put the egg at his forehead and on other bone joints, the spiritual viruses started to rush into the egg. Less than 5 mins, the egg had become very heavy and most of them were trapped inside. I tried using the second egg. Again the egg was filled all these beings.
They love to stay there with so much food and energy for them. I am not killing them. My Tao Master used this method to heal many people. In fact this method has its scientific approach and it is not a black magic.

One high monk was trying to tell the other monks or householders not to criticize on the dharma practice of other different buddhist groups. After all, we are having the same master, the Lord Buddha and learning his four Noble Truth, Eightfold path and twelve links of in the Chain of Dependent Origination. I fully agreed with this high monk.
When I conducted my Tai Chi class today, I told my students I was still learning and improving my art.
There is no end to learning. It is important to reflect on ourself. In learning of the Dharma, we need to work even harder, checking ourselves as we go along whether we have the right view, right thought, right speech, right action, right effort, right mindfulness and right meditation. We need so much time in our practice and where do we can find the time to criticize others. For those like to bad-mouth others are not the true buddhists and they are not the true students or disciples of the Lord Buddhas. (2 cents opinion )

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