Saturday, February 2, 2013

JAN 16

Every moment is a new rebirth in you. You are no more the same person in that moment ago. You are a new reborn. All lot changes take place in you; new cells replace the old cells, happiness replaces sadness and most negative aspects just simply drop away if you realise that you are a new fresh one after each moment. This is living in existence and knowing yourself is wisdom.

" I am in love with him, however I am very jealous of him."
To me there are many kind of love. This kind of love stated above is not true love, but one sided possive love love. This is dangerous. I said you are now in a hot pot going to jump into the fire.
Unconditional love is the birth right of mothers of all beings. They can sacrified their lives for her young ones and sweat and work hard for them. They can take all blames and nonsence from their children.
Love between man and woman needs a long time to cultivate. Not only physically they love each other, morally, emotionally and spiritually as well.
Another form of love can mean you need not get married to a person if your karmic affinity is not there for both of you to settle down as husband and wife. You still wish the person well and love to see that the loved one is happy. Of course it is easily said that done. But this is a very noble and holy sort of love.
Spiritual love means your love of God or Buddha. You wish to follow the doctrines and the teachings to cultivate compassion and loving-kindness for mankind and all other beings. You want to share your time and happiness and wisdom with all beings. Of course this is the highest form of noble and spiritual love.
( 2 cents opinion )

Many masters told their disciples that they can become buddha if you do this and that and patiently working hard. 
You can not become a buddha or make to be a buddha. . Buddha means to be awakened. By right you are actually a buddha already.The moment you are awakened from the illusive dreams, you are a buddha. All of you have the same buddha nature and therefore you are a buddha when you wake up. I may be wrong. ( 2 cents opinion)

To be and let it be will the closest to realise the supreme consciousness of yourself. Nothing inside and outside can stir you an inch. You are what you are, the true self.

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