Saturday, February 2, 2013

DEC 17

~ Stephen Levine
The purpose of the techique is not to lock into breath, but to use the breath as a means of tuning to the present.

Watch breath, soften belly, open heart, has become a wake-up call for mindfulness and mercy, which takes people beyond the mind-body of suffering into deep peace of their healing.

Nothing can be more useful to a man or woman than a determination not to be hurried. ~ Anonymous

Most men pursue pleasure with such breathless haste they hurry past it. ~ soren Kierkegaard

On a trip to Southern Californa with my then five-year-old daughter, we spent time walking on the beach and writing notes to each other in the sand. After returning home, I asked my daughter what she enjoyed most about the holiday trip. Thinking she would say " Diseyland," I was surprised and moved by her statement, " The best part was walking down the beach with you, Dad."

I asked my master, " Why there were so much killings, murderings, lives taken away by natural disasters, lives taken away at young ages and even before being born. A lot of people die individually and collectively ( together at the same time). Has God or Buddha made any kind of mistakes?"
My master replied," There is no mistake made by the divinity. As human beings living in the third dimension have so much compassion, love and kindness in their true self, felt it badly, sorrowly with empathy. If you understand that the souls will never die but they live on, you will come an understnading that through death, they discarded their bodies. It was planned for them to ascend to the next level or to other plane or dimension. No one dies. The coming and leaving the bodies depend on the maturity of their karma. Don't be overwhelmed with all these occurances. Pay more attention to your cultivation and practice how you can share your loving-kindness with people who are near to you."
( 2 cents opinion )

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