Tuesday, September 4, 2012

AUG 1.5

~ His Holiness the Gylwang Drukpa

Create space for compassion
If we can develop our mindfulness in everything we do then we will gradually begin to understand our emotions, where they come from and if they are good or bad for us. It isn't
 easy in the moment to quell anger, fear, jealousy or desire, but if we spend a little time daily exploring ourselves and our emotions then over time they will be less controlling. If you can recognise the 'poisons', then you take a good step towards making the path a little less bumpy. And then you will begin to be able to turn your anger into patience, refrain from speaking harsh words and be rejoicing of others instead of jealous. You will be generous in your thoughts, hoping for the best for everyone.
' In this world
Hate never yet dispelled hate.
Only love dispels hate.
Ancient and inexhaustible.
You soon shall pass away.
Knowing this, how can you quarrel?

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