Monday, September 17, 2012


第六世達賴喇嘛 is a great lover and a romantic person. He said that if we can devote our love to the dharma as we do to our lover, we will attain enlightenment without delay.
~ The mirror of Zen
True prayer requires devotion and surrender: You must be faithfully devoted to your true nature, and then you can make ignorance surrender to it.
Body, speech and mind return to perfect purity and stillness:
This is how a Buddha appears in this world.

Six supernatural powers: Powers of perception, gained through meditation which enable us to grasp what cannot normally be apprehended through the normal sense faculties: 1. Power of "spiritual leg": the ability to move anywhere and to trans...
form oneself at will; 2. power of "spiritual eye": the ability to see anything at any distance;3. power of " spiritual ear": the ability to hear any sound at any distance; 4. power of knowing others' minds; the ability to see the thoughts of sentient beings; 5. power of knowing fate: the abiltiy to perceive the former, present and future lives of all sentient beings who are cycling and recycling in the endless wheel of birth and death in the six realms; 6. power of eradicating all illusions: the ability to eleminate all afflictions.
The first five powers may be attained by yogis, sadhus, Taoist hermits, and even disembodied spirits. But the serious practitioners or teacher would not consider this authentic insight.
The last power alone, however- the power of eliminating afflictions through correct insight into the causes of arising mind- can be attained by advanced practitioners of the buddha-dharma: arhat (a perfect person, who has attained Nirvana), boddhisattvas and buddhas.-The Mirror of Zen
The sutras, tantras, and philosophical scriptures are extensive
and great in number.
However, life is short and intelligent limited, so it is hard to
cover them completely.
You may know a lot, but if you don't put it into practice,
It's lik...
e dying of thirst on the bank of a great lake.

A human life span is brief, and full of dangers. By eating well, taking medicine, and by a variety of other methods we try to keep ourselves healthy and to extend our lives; yet, sometimes these efforts have the opposite effect. Illnesses are common. In any case, life is impermanent and won't last forever.
Our intelligent is also quite limited; we lack both the capacity and the time to make a thorough study of the vast amount of teachings, and it is difficult to fully study and understand them. Even were we to study quite a lot and become learned, merely knowing the theories without assimilating them through reflection and actual practice would be like dying of thirst on the bank of a great fresh water lake-what a complete waste to die like that.
~ Buddha


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