Wednesday, September 5, 2012


I have taught my tai chi students asystem known as " the nine-cycled dispelling of wind corpses" It is as though the coarse winds that serve as the mounts of impure motivations and coarse thoughts are expelled with them.
I asked them to cl
ose up the right nostril with the ring finger of the right hand and breathe in through the left nostril. Then I ask them to move the same ring finger of the right hand to close up the left nostril and breathe it out through the right nostril. All in they have to repeat it three times.
Next, they use the ring finger of the left hand to close up the left finger and breathe in through the right nostril. After that they move their ring finger of the left hand to close up the right nostril and breathe it out through the left nostril. All in, they need to repeat in three times.
Next they breathe in using both nostrils to breathe in and out also three times. Follow that they will do a bit of warming exercises before they start to look at the black spot for about 10 minutes and move on to their meditation of awareness of inhaling and exhaling of breath.

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