Saturday, October 6, 2012

Sep 29


My master used to say that meditation is simple if you can take it like drinking a cup of tea, noticing its warmth, taste and fragrance. You are already using much of your senses. Whether you sit down, stand up, walking or lying down, you should feel the differences of these actions. Ask yourself why you keep on changing from one posture to the next for the whole day. What kind of feelings to you
 have and the reasons why you do it. By following all these actions your mind is preoccupied with your whole event for a day and you will experience lesser thoughts running in your mind. So in fact you are cultivating your awareness and mindfulness with such actions performed by yourself for the whole day. If you can add a bit of reflection using your mind every night before you sleep, you will not miss to do only wholesome deeds for a day. So you can see that by this means of meditation, you also accumulate a lot of merits for yourself. ( 2 cents opinion )

My master used to say," Don't seek enlightenment through me and I can't help you. The special gem is in you. He can talk, eat and sleep. He is the true one you must pay attention to. You can't find Him because you are covered by layers and layers of your defilement. This defilement is like clouds. On some occasions when the clouds move off, you begin to see a glimpse of Him like sun shining so brightly. However the time for you to see Him (Buddha nature) is too short and the clouds again covered up the sun. The only way is to enhance your awareness and a long span of comcentration and mindfulness and of course accumulate more merits as you go along "

~ Swami Rama
" You are a citizen of two worlds," he began," the world within and the world without. To be a successful person you will need to understand how to build a bridge between these two worlds. Extreme views are not helpful to the world, nor are they helpful in your own life. It is best to gain control of your thoughts, sensations, emotions and urges."
" Control does not mean stopping these things entirely, or over-indulging," he continued. " Control means balance. To achieve it, calm down parts of the mind that are running so fast. You will need to rest the entirety of your mind, and for that you should learn a new way of knowing yourself. That method of inner knowing is called meditation."


~ Swami Rama
" What is meditation, after all?" we seemed to be asking.
Swami Rama frequently referred to meditation as a channeling of consciousness. By this, of course, he did not mean psychic channeling. " Like the banks of a river," he said, " meditation channels awareness to be aware of itself. As with other actions you perform, meditation is a systematic process. When you understand the proce
ss, it becomes more reliable and leads to deeper experiences." The approach to meditation is organised so that it focuses first on the body, next the breath, then the senses, and finally the mind. " No jumping! Follow the plan in a systematic way. and it will bear fruit in its own time. If you are performing the method correctly, then it cannot fail to help you."


~ Swami Rama
" Practice regularly every day," he reminded students sitting with him near his ashram along the banks of the Ganges. " Make your ego travel toward the center of consciousness. Know that you are peace, happiness, and bliss. Freedom is your essential nature. Experience this again and again so that it becomes assimilated."
He added," Meditation and its practice is an introduction to a w
ay of understanding life's journey and the mysteries of existence. It is timeless. The techniques are systematic. Its subject, of course, is your own self-transformation. I hope that your interest in meditation will blossom, because with this practice, despites the occasional blows delivered by daily affairs, life does become tranquil."


Very little of the mind is cultivated by our formal educational system. The part of the mind which dreams and sleeps, the vast realm of unconscious which is the reservoir of all our experiences, remain unknown and undisciplined.
We are taught how to move and behave in the outer world, but we are never taught how to be still and examine what is within us. At the same time, learning to be calm and s
till should not be made a ceremony or religious ritual. When learn to sit still, we attain a kind of joy that is inexplicable. The highest of all joys that can ever be experienced by a human being can be attained through meditation. All the other joys in the world are momentary, but the joy of meditation is immense and everlasting. This not exaggeration; it is simply stating a truth supported by the long line of great sages, both those who renounced the world and attained truth, and those who continued living in the world yet remained unaffected by it.
~ Swami Rama


The mind does not really know how to be in the present, here and now. Only meditation teaches us to fully experience the now, which is our link with eternal. When, with the help of meditative techniques, the mind is made one-pointed and inward, it attains the power of penetrating into the deeper levels of our being. Then the mind does not create any distractions or deviations, and fully achieves t
he power of concentration, which is a prerequisite for meditation. How fortunate are those who become aware of this fact and begin to meditate. Even more fortunate are those who continue to meditate, and the most fortunate are those few who have determined that meditation is the top priority in their life, and practice regularly.
~ Swami Rama

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