Recently many friends have many uncalled for problems rising up that cause them misery and sadness. The men and women are usually having either financial problems; business not doing well, job situation is not ideal, or marriage problems; separation, quarrels or even fighting, divorce and so many others.
These are most common problems in life. With my limited wisdom and experience, I can say that
These are most common problems in life. With my limited wisdom and experience, I can say that
it is karma that brought all of us here. We come here to collect good will because we had done a lot of good deeds for some of them or we coming here to pay back the debts that we had owed them in the past.
I used to joke to my Tai Chi students that I have owed them and therefore this life time, I need to come back to teach them Tai Chi and meditation.
Once you understand this simple theory of mine, you can correct your situation by giving way to your wife or husband, or children or friends and at the same time while doing your meditation or prayers, send your love to them everyday. I can be sure that one day, they will turn around to like or love you. You must have this strong faith. If you have financial problems, do more donations and alms to the poor and needy of the third world countries. Send loving-kindness to your staff or your bosses so that their situations could be better. Then soon your financial problems will be solved. ( 2 cents opinion)
I used to joke to my Tai Chi students that I have owed them and therefore this life time, I need to come back to teach them Tai Chi and meditation.
Once you understand this simple theory of mine, you can correct your situation by giving way to your wife or husband, or children or friends and at the same time while doing your meditation or prayers, send your love to them everyday. I can be sure that one day, they will turn around to like or love you. You must have this strong faith. If you have financial problems, do more donations and alms to the poor and needy of the third world countries. Send loving-kindness to your staff or your bosses so that their situations could be better. Then soon your financial problems will be solved. ( 2 cents opinion)
The first Category " Man is deprived; circumstances are not deprived" denotes a situation in which one's mind is absorbed in outward circumstances. A famous surgeon was once performing an operation that required great concentration. While he was working there was a sudden earthquake. The shocks were severe that most of the attendants involuntarily ran out of the room for safety. But the surgeon was so absorbed in the operation that he did not feel the shocks at all. After the operation was over he was told of the earthquake, and this was the first he knew of it. He had been completely absorbed in his work, in a kind of samadhi.
The first Category " Man is deprived; circumstances are not deprived" denotes a situation in which one's mind is absorbed in outward circumstances. A famous surgeon was once performing an operation that required great concentration. While he was working there was a sudden earthquake. The shocks were severe that most of the attendants involuntarily ran out of the room for safety. But the surgeon was so absorbed in the operation that he did not feel the shocks at all. After the operation was over he was told of the earthquake, and this was the first he knew of it. He had been completely absorbed in his work, in a kind of samadhi.
Samadhi ~ Katsuki Sekida
The second Category, " Circumstances are derprived; man is not deprived," denotes inward attention. It is an inward samadhi and it is what I have called absolute samadhi, because it forms the foundation of all zazen practice. It contrasts with the outwardly directed samadhi described in the first category, which I called positive samadhi. Positive samadhi is a samadhi in the world of conscious activity. Absolute samdhi is a samadhi that transcends consciousness. When we simply use the term samadhi by itself we generally refer to this absolute samadhi.
The second Category, " Circumstances are derprived; man is not deprived," denotes inward attention. It is an inward samadhi and it is what I have called absolute samadhi, because it forms the foundation of all zazen practice. It contrasts with the outwardly directed samadhi described in the first category, which I called positive samadhi. Positive samadhi is a samadhi in the world of conscious activity. Absolute samdhi is a samadhi that transcends consciousness. When we simply use the term samadhi by itself we generally refer to this absolute samadhi.
Samadhi ~Katsuki Sekida
The third Category is,"Both man and circumstances are deprived." In a more shallow phase of samadhi, reflecting action of consciousness occasionally breaks in and makes us aware of our samadhi. Such relection come and and goes momentarily, and each time momentarily interrupts the samadhi to a slight degree. The deeper the samadhi becomes, the less frequent becomes the appea
The third Category is,"Both man and circumstances are deprived." In a more shallow phase of samadhi, reflecting action of consciousness occasionally breaks in and makes us aware of our samadhi. Such relection come and and goes momentarily, and each time momentarily interrupts the samadhi to a slight degree. The deeper the samadhi becomes, the less frequent becomes the appea
rance of the reflecting action of consciousness. Utimately the time comes when no reflection appears at all. One comes to notice nothing, feel nothing, hear nothing, see nothing. This state of mind is called " nothing." But it is not vacant emptiness. Rather is it the purest condition of our existence. It is not reflected, and nothing is directly known of it. This nothingness is " Both man and circumstances are deprived," the condition Hakuin Zenji called
" the Great Death."
Nevertheless, if you want to attain geniune enlightenment and emanicipation, you must go completely through this condition, because enlightenment can be achieved only after once shaking off our old habitual way of consciousness.
" the Great Death."
Nevertheless, if you want to attain geniune enlightenment and emanicipation, you must go completely through this condition, because enlightenment can be achieved only after once shaking off our old habitual way of consciousness.
Lama Christie Mcnally
We need to get back to that childlike state of mind, where we are looking at the world as if it were brand new, to ask once again those questions that children ask and adults stop asking. questions like: " Why is there pain?"
So simple and yet so profound.
We have spent our whole adult lives cultivating the art of blocking out pain, pretending it doesn't exist. But in order
We need to get back to that childlike state of mind, where we are looking at the world as if it were brand new, to ask once again those questions that children ask and adults stop asking. questions like: " Why is there pain?"
So simple and yet so profound.
We have spent our whole adult lives cultivating the art of blocking out pain, pretending it doesn't exist. But in order
to travel this path-the path to the end of pain- we must begin by looking at this life's pain in the face.
We can live for a while in denial, pretend that everything is fine, but sooner or later you will forced to look this life in the face. There is no one to turn to. We are helpless. Sooner or later the doctor will come to you and say," I'm sorry. There's nothing we can do." And then where do you go for help? There is no one to turn to. We all know this deep inside, and it terrifies us.
To know the Buddha's teaching on the Fourth Noble Truth is so important; Knowing the cause of suffering and the ceasing of suffering.
We can live for a while in denial, pretend that everything is fine, but sooner or later you will forced to look this life in the face. There is no one to turn to. We are helpless. Sooner or later the doctor will come to you and say," I'm sorry. There's nothing we can do." And then where do you go for help? There is no one to turn to. We all know this deep inside, and it terrifies us.
To know the Buddha's teaching on the Fourth Noble Truth is so important; Knowing the cause of suffering and the ceasing of suffering.
~ Lama Christie Mcnally
Everyone around us is searching: searching for a way to make this life meaningful, searching for a way to be happy. Every single move we ever make is done for this one goal. But nothing we ever do to try and make ourselves happy ever brings us happiness.
If you want to be happy yourself, learn to live your life for others. If you want to be fulfilled, devote yourself to making other people happy. This is the one and only way to happiness.
Everyone around us is searching: searching for a way to make this life meaningful, searching for a way to be happy. Every single move we ever make is done for this one goal. But nothing we ever do to try and make ourselves happy ever brings us happiness.
If you want to be happy yourself, learn to live your life for others. If you want to be fulfilled, devote yourself to making other people happy. This is the one and only way to happiness.
For those who pray to or chant the name or the mantra of Kwan Yin and Medicine Buddha, develop your own inner world, knowing that people who suffer most, need love and help, loving-kindness, compassion and healing energy.As you meditate and doing your chanting, think of Kwan Yin and Medicine Buddha are taking full care of them and sending them way and means to handle their problems and heal all kind of their illnesses.
Feel that all your friends, your beloved ones and enemies are all taken care of by Kwan Yin and Medicine Buddha. This is one of the divine ways of meditation.( 2 cents opinion)
Feel that all your friends, your beloved ones and enemies are all taken care of by Kwan Yin and Medicine Buddha. This is one of the divine ways of meditation.( 2 cents opinion)
Buddham Saranam Gacchami