Saturday, October 6, 2012

Sep 26


~ Jack Engler
Madhuri who had mild developmental delays, went to Dipa Ma, and Dipa Ma gave her the basic instructions ( to plce her attention on the rise and fall of the abdomen with each inhalation and exhalation and) to note herself" rising, falling,rising,falling."
Madhuri said," Okay," and started to go home, down four flights of stairs and across the alley to her department. She didn'y get ha
lfway down the stairs before she forgot the instructions. So back she came.
" What was I supposed to do?" She asked.
" Rising, falling,rising, falling," said Dipa Ma.
" Oh, yes, that's right."
Four times, Madhuri forgot the instructions and had to come back. Dipa Ma was very patient with her. It took Madhuri almost a year to understand the basic instruction, but once she got them, she was like a tiger. Before she begin to practice, Madhuri was bent over a ninety-degree with arthritis, rheumatism, and intestinal problems. When I met her, after her enlightment experience, she walked with a straight back. No more intestinal problems. She was the simplest, sweetest, gentle woman.


Cultivation to know oneself needs patience, persistence, forbearance, deep reflection, beginner's mind, zest and the knowing. Don't anticipate for the harvest, but plough the field and sow your seed. Water it everday and as it started to germinate, clear the weeds with a lighted-heart. The full bloom of your bodhi plant ( buddha nature) will come along soon.


Nowadays, people are less tolerant with one and another due to the fast pace of the society that we are living in. There is less tolerance among the politicians and the people believing in different religions. Every day what we see in the news are chaos, fightings, burning down of religious places, killings, bombings and so many more. There isn't much peace and harmony. Human race, lacking of awareness , may bring in more sufferings for many others and cause the destruction of this supposed to be a beautiful 'heaven.'
We need to wake up from this distorted world and rebuild a trustworthy, harmonious and peaceful world again. I think most of us want happiness and peace and we don't want suffering.


I started off as an incense follower thinking that I am a buddhist. I went to the temple every day to light up the incenses and candles and pray to the Buddha. Soon I became a blind faith follower joining a big group and worshiped a master thinking that this master would protect me from evil and help me to improve my stardard of living. Later I began to follow a group of people to study and read s
utras like a parrot. I just kept on reading more and more profound sutras and could quote many phrases here and there without knowing the true meaning of the teachings. I still regarded myself as a buddhist. Next I followed another group of people who liked to visit many old distanced temples to collect power and energy.No one could tell me whether I was doing right or wrong.
Then one day I met my master who told me that what I had been doing was all wrong and that I could not consider myself as a buddhist. I was so disappointed after spending so many years and doing so much work, thinking that I am a buddhist. Nowadays I still see so many people doing such silly things. What a pity! May Lord Buddha guide these people to move on the right path.
( 2 cents opinion)

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