Friday, October 26, 2012

OCT 12


Divine is within. All correct paths lead us there. The ignorant ones lost their way.


Walking meditation helps to develop concentration and awareness. Each step that touches the ground awaken the inner being. As you progress, you find your body and ' That' coming and merging together where bliss and peacefulness overwhelm you. I felt this understanding while I was deeply involved while doing my Tai Chi practice. The 'I', the ego just simply disappear.The cosmic universe and your own little cosmic universe just merge to form into Oneness.


Anger and hatred are like tidal waves which arise at one moment and subside the next moment. If you are lacking of awareness, you are enslaved by these formless items which could be very damaging and destructive to things and friends. They may be formless but they can burn away all the merits you have accumulated in your many past life. All your friends and family members may not want to come near you.


My teaching of Tai chi is like the Confucius way, 有教無類,因材施教,隨機應化. My organisation has no leader, no power conflict and the system runs by itself. The teaching method alters accordingly to cater for the different levels of intelligence of the students. When I find that the students are good in spirit, I will teach more and make them work harder. If most of them are tired on that day after work, I will sit down togehter with them to tell stories about my master so that we gain extra experience and knowledge. In my meditation class, I do the same thing so that they are bored down by rules and regulations. I think they can learn faster and better this way.

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