Saturday, January 5, 2013

NOV 22


Chant the mantra 108 times to keep free yourself and your family from evil forces and help to heal all kinds of unknown or karmic illnesses everyday.
Tayata Om Bekanze
Bekanze Maha BeKanze
Radza Samudgate Soha

Medicine Buddha Mantra
We chant the Medicine Buddha Mantra on any occasion and in between
for healing ourselves and our world from the Great Illness: ignorance.

Version 1:
Tayata Om Bekanze

Bekanze Maha BeKanze
Radza Samudgate Soha

Version 2:
Om namo bhagawate Bhaishjaye guru
vaidurya prabha rajaya tathagataya
arhate samyaksam buddhaya teyatha
om bekhajye bekhajye maha bekhajye
bekhajye rajaya samungate svaha


One of my old students who had practiced meditation for more than ten years, without fail he would sit there at least more than half an hour everyday as a routine, came to see me and asked me why he had attained nothing.
I discovered that he still couldn't reduced his distracted thoughts, the thoughts keep on running in his mind. It happens to most of us while sitting down. I told him that sitting down to meditate is a very small part of realising oneself. The most important part is to understand the four noble truths and practice the eightfold path. The real learning comes from the practice and reflects on oneself to check how much defilement and attachment are within us. Are we willing to share and help someone when they required your help. Have we develop compassion and loving-kindness, mindfulness and selflessness. Are we able to see through the impermanent state of life and all changes occuring all the time?
He just looked at me and said," People told me that by sitting down to do meditation, I will get enlightenment."
So I replied, " In that case , all the mother hens will get enlightenment as they spend about 29 days sitting on the eggs to get them hatched."


Every new moment to me is a just a small new rebirth. Only when I truly die , it means I have totally let go all defilement, attachment, lust, and all my possessions, then I will have a real holy rebirth and that is where I get my reunion with the cosmo together with God and buddhas. Think about this when the right moment of death is coming. This is a great lesson.


One student asked me why I can do my Tai Chi so gracefully and the flow is like running water so free. 
I replied," Set your soul free. We are too conscious of our physical body. So the soul is always trapped inside. My soul is always outside of my cage, that is how free I am when I move around."


Contributed by Terra Allen 
love this! I have found out I meditate the deepest while doing things. Like when I play with my plants and give them better pots or trim them or just look at nature and admire it's beauty, then is when I really get into the deepest meditation. When I meditate while sitting the thoughts are always there and must be gently moved aside it seems like forever.
What she said was correct. You can get the deepest meditation when you are doing something you like most.
While I was doing my Chinese Painting, I needed full concentration and mindfulness. If I used too much strength on the brush, it would tear the rice paper and if the brush contained too much ink, it would soaked the rice paper. And I couldn't afford to make a mistake in any stroke when I was painting the bamboo. So I was deep in concentration and meditation while painting a piece of art. Only when I finished my painting, then I began to realise the bamboo was me and I was the bamboo plant. That is meditation.

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