Friday, January 11, 2013

DEC 10

The original state of true self is pure. However, we are the one who tainted it with misery, sorrowfulness with unended desires. Just remember that we can be an awakened one like Lord buddha one day. The method is easy, just think good,do good and speak good. All misfortune will be dispelled and good luck and happiness will rush in. For those who have God in mind-heart all the way, will enjoy the same fortune and happiness. Just be it.


~ Nisargadatta Maharaj 
If you live your life without expectations, the feeling of 'mineness' will automatically fall off.

Forgetting our true nature, we act like a king who behaves as a beggar in his dream.

'Not to be cheered by praise,
Not to be grieved by blame,
But to know thoroughly one's own virtues or powers
Are the characteristics of an excellent man'


A foolish man proclaimeth his qualifications;
A wise man keepeth them secret within himself;
A straw floateth on the surface of water,
But a precious gem placed upon it sinketh.'

' The greatest wealth consisteth in being charitable,
And the greatest happiness in having tranquillity of mind.
Experience is the most beautiful adornment;
And the best comrade is the one that hath no desires.'


Zen means knowing your own existence from moment to moment while doing your daily chores or activities and nothing from the outside and within that can bother you and your space of mind which is void and limitless can contain the whole universe and much more filling with freedom and bliss.
~ unknown
The wise man through earnestness, virtue, and purity maketh himself as island whcih no flood can submerge.

Even as the water of the Ganges floweth swiftly on and emptieth into the sea, so shall he who walketh in the even way of perfect understanding arrive at the cessation of death.

~ Nisargadatta Maharaj 
Anger, greed and attachment exist but they are just appearances.
They are true only for that moment, like thoughts hanging in the sky.
Charity and love are naturally present. They are the nature of consciousness. It is not you who impart them.

~ Nisargadatta Maharaj 
One becomes helpful to others naturally, knowing that one is not different from them.

Attention should be on oneself rather than on the affairs of others.

Take the opportunity to know what you truly are.

One day, while I was waiting a bus with some of students, this happened more than a few years ago. The bus-stop was full with other people also waiting for a bus. Suddenly, a woman looking quite poor stood infront of me with her eyes staring at me. My friends and students felt surprise. After looking at her and reading her mind, I gave her two dollars for her meal. She just took the money and walked away.
One of my students asked me," Why she only asked you for money and not the others?"
I replied," Buddha sent her to me and give me a great opportunity to do charity. Not any one would have such a chance to do and accumulate good merit. That is why she only choose me and not the others. This also has to do karmic affinity and may be in the past life, I had owed her the money and I need to pay the debt at the present life time." ( 2 cents story )

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