Friday, January 11, 2013



A psychic attack is one way of sending negative energy to a person intentionally or unintentionally. The person who recieves it feels unpleasant and his emotional will be aroused and acts something silly. To avoid this, learn to shield your body everyday.Let your thumb touches the end line of your ring finger and fold up your hand as a fist. First you touch your forehead with your fold fist, next on your left shoulder, then the right shoulder, follow by your heart area, throat area and finally on top of the crown. Chant OM AH HUM AS as you touch each area. Finally think of a white light covering your whole body. Do it in the morning when you wake up and also in the night before you sleep. Always remember to shield up of your whole body with white light. Then any psychic attack which comes to you will bound back to the sender.


I always asked my students to learn the spiritual aspects with the heart or from the heart. Just leave your brain to do the logical and analystic thinking. To realise the reality of life and divinity needs to go into the heart realm.


When one ignorant attains realisation he is a saint.

When a saint begins to understand he is ignorant.
~ Zen 
The light of the eyes is as a comet,
And Zen's activity is as lightning.
The sword that kills the man
Is the sword that saves the man.


~ Zen 
Whoever understands the first truth
Should understand the ultimate truth.
The last and the first,
Are they not the same?

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