Friday, January 11, 2013

DEC 14


Attachment, greed and anger are water vapour forming clouds to distort your mind and heart. If you can identify them as mists, they will disperse and go back to the source. Don't try to struggle to stop or suppress them for you can't because they are invisible and they are your ego too. Just watch them and they will loose their strength and power and they can't disturb or confuse your mind-heart. This is another form of practice to understand your true self and the bright light in you.


The supreme virtue is the way of Tao or Dharma. 
Just be yourself, stay in your heart-mind, you know all.
When your space in the mind is emptied, wisdom fills it up all. 
All of you have all the potentials and make-up to be a future Buddha. You are all buddhas. When I look at you I see you as a buddha.

One fb friend was asking me how to get rid of the fear of a house which is full of negative energy. I would like this method to share among all my friends. I hope it works for everyone who use it.

"Get a bowl of water. Place your open palm at the edge of the bowl and chant Namo KUAN SI YIN PUSA 108 times. Then sprinkle the water at all your rooms. Next buy some sea salt and sprinkle the sea salt at your door steps when everyone is at home."
"Greetings Master...i did the ritual u asked me...when i was chanting NAMO KUAN SI YIN PUSA OVER THE BOWL OF WATER, I SAW MOTHER standing on was as if mother body of light is disintegrating in the water....i thank you for this wonderful technique..."

When you realise your true self, the rest, like the events of your life can be said like the film movies showing on the screen. They are not substantial. They are all your experiences. And when the movies stop showing, left behind is just a screen, emptiness. When you leave this world, there is nothing you can bring across except your consciousness of wisdom and compassion. 
( 2 cents opinion)

DEC 13


Contributed by Evelyn Leonard Wright 
Namu Amida Butsu 
(I take refuge in Amida Buddha)

To take refuge in Amida Buddha is to abandon attached, ego-centered thinking and to entrust oneself to the infinite wisdom (light) and infinite compassion (life) of Amida.

To take refuge, it can mean that I believe the teaching to learn to love myself and others. To be peaceful and happy, I believe in making others to be happy. So I take refuge as a guidance and a road map for myself to fulfill and to believe. I need to do and think good everyday and to allow others to share my good deeds when I dedicate all the good deeds to them. I take refuge so that I learn to be selfless and beneficial to others. This refuge has the compassion and love that will shield me from all evils..


I told my student there is nothing to cultivate for because all of us have all the potentials and make-up to be a future Buddha. She was quite surprised and said why I needed to tell her so early about this information.
Many people are struggling to cultivate this method and that method, charming this mantra and that mantra, seeing this master and that master and doing this prayer and that prayer. Yes, all of us as a beginner needs to find out and work hard on it. Once you realise who you are and you are already doing good for others and have no plan to move back into the negative path, you are already there. Just be aware of your mind-heart, your compassion and loving-kindness are flowing out all the time like a fountain. Anyone coming near will feel good and happy.
I wish all of you to be awakened as soon as possible and to become the future Buddha. May your wishes come true.

I read most of the posts written by fb friends and also their messages they had sent to me. I discovered that they can't set themselves free. I can feel their anxieties, worries and not sure of the spiritual teachings. Some one asked me why his or her life is so difficult, always meeting problems after problems. He or she has been praying so hard and yet has to face so many troubles.
One of them said, " I want to see Buddha, but I can't see HIM. He is invisible."
So I said, " No. We are all buddhas. When I look at you I see you as a buddha." Suddenly that person seems to understand. Yes. Most of the time we are the one who create our own problems. We are too lazy to look at the cause of the problem. We started to rely on the invisible buddha or God to help us solve our problems. All of us have the same potientials and intelligence. As long as we accept and content with what we have, we don't have much difficult problems to solve. Please to chant this. May all sentient beings free from suffering, sickness and troubles and the causes of suffering, sickness and troubles. May we be happy, peaceful and calm everyday. ( 2 cents opinion )

DEC 12


Be aware of the traps, temptations and seduction of the sugar-coated and excitement of all sorts of outer things and don't let the inner waves of emotions that may drown you. Just be you and live in your own right moment of the daily routine way of life and have mind thinking way and means to share and to help the needy and poor people who are near you. That is what Lord Buddha or God wishes us to do.

DEC 11

To realise oneself is to find a suitable environment to seek your true self. Roaming and staying in the crowded cemented forest and by reading plenty of books and scriptures make one lost in the midst of such activities. The real teacher or guru is within you. Still yourself in silence, the whole picture of reality of living and understand one true self will appear to you without any hindrance.

Our mind creates our own world. The creation done by you of goodness yesterday will manifest the fruit of goodness today. If your creation of compassion and love for others today, then tomorrow your harvest will be joyful and meaningful. By doing so everyday with a good decent heart, you will be become a strong powerful magnet that will attract good friends coming to you, and happiness, good health and fortune will follow you like your own shadow.

Many years back, I visited Japan continuously for seven years. I spent about 7 to 9 days visiting my Tai Chi student there. He is very hardworking and cautious. Every year he and his wife would bring me to visit many old Buddhist temples which had been for more than a hundred year and some were even more than a hundred year old. I was quite surprised to discover that there were a few monks around and most temples had no monk at all and they were taken care of by one or a few local people.
Buddhism is declining in the East and flourishing in the West. That makes realising our Lord buddha teaching; there is a period of building up, maintaining, getting decay and finally finishing. In our own life; there is period to be born, getting old , getting sickness and finally leaving the world.
Hence it is very important that before we reach the third stage of our life, we need to work much harder to waken ourselves up from this dream of samsara and liberate ourselves.

DEC 10

The original state of true self is pure. However, we are the one who tainted it with misery, sorrowfulness with unended desires. Just remember that we can be an awakened one like Lord buddha one day. The method is easy, just think good,do good and speak good. All misfortune will be dispelled and good luck and happiness will rush in. For those who have God in mind-heart all the way, will enjoy the same fortune and happiness. Just be it.


~ Nisargadatta Maharaj 
If you live your life without expectations, the feeling of 'mineness' will automatically fall off.

Forgetting our true nature, we act like a king who behaves as a beggar in his dream.

'Not to be cheered by praise,
Not to be grieved by blame,
But to know thoroughly one's own virtues or powers
Are the characteristics of an excellent man'


A foolish man proclaimeth his qualifications;
A wise man keepeth them secret within himself;
A straw floateth on the surface of water,
But a precious gem placed upon it sinketh.'

' The greatest wealth consisteth in being charitable,
And the greatest happiness in having tranquillity of mind.
Experience is the most beautiful adornment;
And the best comrade is the one that hath no desires.'


Zen means knowing your own existence from moment to moment while doing your daily chores or activities and nothing from the outside and within that can bother you and your space of mind which is void and limitless can contain the whole universe and much more filling with freedom and bliss.
~ unknown
The wise man through earnestness, virtue, and purity maketh himself as island whcih no flood can submerge.

Even as the water of the Ganges floweth swiftly on and emptieth into the sea, so shall he who walketh in the even way of perfect understanding arrive at the cessation of death.

~ Nisargadatta Maharaj 
Anger, greed and attachment exist but they are just appearances.
They are true only for that moment, like thoughts hanging in the sky.
Charity and love are naturally present. They are the nature of consciousness. It is not you who impart them.

~ Nisargadatta Maharaj 
One becomes helpful to others naturally, knowing that one is not different from them.

Attention should be on oneself rather than on the affairs of others.

Take the opportunity to know what you truly are.

One day, while I was waiting a bus with some of students, this happened more than a few years ago. The bus-stop was full with other people also waiting for a bus. Suddenly, a woman looking quite poor stood infront of me with her eyes staring at me. My friends and students felt surprise. After looking at her and reading her mind, I gave her two dollars for her meal. She just took the money and walked away.
One of my students asked me," Why she only asked you for money and not the others?"
I replied," Buddha sent her to me and give me a great opportunity to do charity. Not any one would have such a chance to do and accumulate good merit. That is why she only choose me and not the others. This also has to do karmic affinity and may be in the past life, I had owed her the money and I need to pay the debt at the present life time." ( 2 cents story )


'Mind's nature is Buddha from the beginning. It has neither birth nor cessation, like space. When you realise the real meaning of the equal nature of all things to remain in that state without searching is meditation.'
All suffering comes from the mind; ultimate freedom comes from a study of the mind. Meditation aims to reduce mental activity and begin the process of deconstruction of egocentricity or 
self-centreness. The goal of meditation is to make you aware of your inner space and how vast it is. Meditation is the laboratory in whcih you deconstruct the self. When the mind starts to look inward, rather than reacting to everything outside, this it is said to be the beginning of nirvana.

~ Zen 
The Japanese army made Gasan's temple as their headquarter.
Gasan told the cook to let the officers shared the simple food as the monks. 
One of the officers who heard this, shouted at Gansan, " Who do you think we are? We are soldiers, sacrificing our lives for our country. We should have better food and treatment."
Gasan answered back sternly," Who do you think we are? We are soldiers of humanity, aiming to save all sentient beings."

~ Zen 
Gasan, one day, gave a speech on 'killing' to the people.
He said," Those who speak against killing and who desire to spare the lives of all conscious beings are right. It is good to protect even animals and insects. But what about those persons who kill time, what about those who are destroying wealth, and those who destroy political economy? We should not overlook them. Furthermore, what of the one preaches without enlightenment? He is killing Buddhism."


It is important to treat everyone as a Buddha and speak kindly to them. This way of cultivation will help you to clear a lot of your karma. In the past and even nowadays, when I give treatments to people and I always regard and think of them as Kwan Yin bodhisattva. And it is a very effective way of curing their illnesses. When someone sent me a message and asked me to give him or her a solution for his or her problem, I also treat them angels and somehow an answer will come to my head and it is quite easy to help them to solve their problems. I learnt this method from the teaching of Lotus Sutra. You may try this method.



Happiness doesn't depend on how much you have or don't have. It is the control over your own mind that matters. You are the master of your own life and destiny. Live in simplicity and be contented with what you have and share whatever knowledge and things with your friends and your beloved ones. Learn to look at the bright and positive side of life and follow and live the way of the sages. Hence everyday and every moment are meaningful and precious to you. Happiness will be like your own shadow following you all the time.

Tibetan medicine and Buddhism 
For Buddhists, life is precious and faith is expressed in the alleviation of suffering. So it is no surprise that Buddhist practice goes hand in hand with a medical system that seeks to support and enhance life and well being. 
The Buddha is the supreme doctor who discovered the root cause of all diease or belief in the self. He explained that suffering originates in the mind, as a ' fundamental ignorance' giving rise to 84,000 psycho-emotional ills. The cure is to understand that karma or causation, is the nature of all phenomena, and to discover the luminous nature of the mind, from which arises the supreme elixir, compassion. Meditation practice promoting compassion and consciousness of the illusion of the self is crucial for healing others and yourself.

The three life forces

Lung is commonly translated as 'wind'. These psychic winds relate to the nervous system, pervading the body and forming part of a person's life energy. For example, lung energy enables you to walk and permits food to move along your alimentary canal. This force is located around the hip area.

Tripa is usually referred to as ' heat' and is the vital energy concerned with maintaining body temperature and internal biochemical processes. it is located around the diaphragm.

Bekan can be translated as ' lubrication' and is linked with the body fluids. It is sited at the head.


~ Master Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche 
The important of moving away from 'spiritual materialism'
" It is important to see that the main point of any spiritual practice is to step out of the bureaucracy of ego. This means stepping our of ego's constant desire for a higher, more spiritual, more transcendental version of knowledge, religion, virtue, judgement, comfort, or whatever it is that a particular ego is seeking. One must step of spiritual materialism."
The spiritual supermarket is now so large that the egoic intellect may binge on so much knowledge and philosophy. Instead of becoming more selfless through practice, there is a danger that we can evolve into heartless dharma intellectuals.
Those who believe that they are on a spiritual path, but are in fact practising spiritual materialism and hanging on to ego, are likely to suffer problems with their nervous syatem and mental illness.



The sword of wisdom Which cuts away our defilement, attachment and lust saves the man to be enable him to get enlightenment. 
The sword of ignorant helps the man to enhance his ego and walk on to the negative path that will bring him to his downfall. In this way the sword kills him.
A doctor uses the knife to save a patient on his operating table whereas a butcher uses his knife to kill.
Hence the liberation of oneself depends on the decision made at a split second.

The creation and accumulation of merits lie not merely in helping others. It is our realisation of our selfless nature of mind that fulfills our sacrifice for all beings.


Contentment is a positive beginning of realising the karmic affinity of our rightful choice living this sea of suffering. This realisation of such reality enhances us to live a a happy and joyful life.


A flower knowing of the law of nature blooms according to the season and the right timing. We can open up our heart for love and joy, if we drop all our worries and emotional disturbances accordingly with our strong will.



A psychic attack is one way of sending negative energy to a person intentionally or unintentionally. The person who recieves it feels unpleasant and his emotional will be aroused and acts something silly. To avoid this, learn to shield your body everyday.Let your thumb touches the end line of your ring finger and fold up your hand as a fist. First you touch your forehead with your fold fist, next on your left shoulder, then the right shoulder, follow by your heart area, throat area and finally on top of the crown. Chant OM AH HUM AS as you touch each area. Finally think of a white light covering your whole body. Do it in the morning when you wake up and also in the night before you sleep. Always remember to shield up of your whole body with white light. Then any psychic attack which comes to you will bound back to the sender.


I always asked my students to learn the spiritual aspects with the heart or from the heart. Just leave your brain to do the logical and analystic thinking. To realise the reality of life and divinity needs to go into the heart realm.


When one ignorant attains realisation he is a saint.

When a saint begins to understand he is ignorant.
~ Zen 
The light of the eyes is as a comet,
And Zen's activity is as lightning.
The sword that kills the man
Is the sword that saves the man.


~ Zen 
Whoever understands the first truth
Should understand the ultimate truth.
The last and the first,
Are they not the same?



Many people just learn like a stone wetting on its surface and dry up very quickly and so nothing is retained in their mind. 
Only a few who learn like a sponge which sucks up all the water thoroughly, will retain the knowledge and wisdom for their whole life.


Contributed by Carol Mickelsen 
( I think what she said is educational and meaningful.)

It all seems clear and real to me, more real than most of the other teaching I have read recently. It just takes some time for it to sink in. The last few days it has been hitting home to me in a very real way how all of the suffering in the world is created because of attachments; greed, wishing for power over others, not accepting what is, both in life and in other people, all of those things and more. All of the suffering can be alleviated through letting go of what "I" want, and practicing compassion. It is that simple, and it is not about "me." And I have been realizing that practicing compassion has very little to do with how I feel about others, and everything to do with what I actually do every day. Understanding is one thing, practicing is another.


Most of my students who have practised Tai chi for more than 5 years and above were surprised to see me showing them only a first few steps so rhythmically and effortlessly. And they have not mastered the steps and performed it gracefully. Their fingers are hard and their bodies are stiff. I have been kept on telling them that theirs fingers should be like the petals of flower opened up gently and softly and their movement should be like a flow of a gentle stream. The sinking of the inner part of the body is like the stillness of a mountain so majestically. It is not the mind they should focus or concentrate. They should follow the inner flow of chi directed by the heart of soul.
This way can also apply in our meditation. We need to sit up majestically and allow the heart to observe the in coming and out-going of our thoughts and also be aware of the inhaling and exhaling of the breath at the base of the nose. The body should should be soft like cotton wool and the mind so be very relaxed. It will be better if you listen to the inner sound of the heart-beat. Last but not least we should not expect thing to happen. Let the divine takes over the whole process.


Even the teacher speaks the truth, just don't believe it, because you don't yet know the truth of it yourself.
Whatever I posted here, my students will click like. 
One day I asked them," Do you really understand what I had written?"
" Some simple ones I believe I understood." said my students.
" I am surprise, you all don't practice what I had said."
I noticed a lot of fb friends just doing copy and paste some of the great masters sayings, I hope you do, will understand and practice what all these masters had written.
Otherwise it is waste of our precious time.
Lord Buddha teaching is not so difficult. " Observe your thought, speech and action." This practice will benefit all of us for life.



Virtues are fruit of self-discipline and do not drop from the sky as does rain and snow.
~ Zen


The Gateless Gate 
If a reader is brave enough and goes straight forward in his meditation, no delsuions can disturb him. He will become enlightened just as did the patriarches in India and in china, probably even better. But if he hesitates one moment, he is as a person watching from a small window for a horseman to pass by, and in a wink he has missed seeing.
" The great path has no gates,
Thousand of roads enter it.
When one passes through this gateless gate 
He walks freely between heaven and earth."
~ Zen


It is too clear and so it i hard to see. 
A dunce once searched for a fire with a lighted lantern.
Had he known what fire was,
He could have cooked his rice much sooner.
~ Zen


When it comes to your mind, don't welcome and develop on it. When it leaves you, don't say good bye or come again and let it leaves in silence. This is true silence you will experience in you. Lengthen this silence and stillness and let the seed of wisdom and compassion germinates. This is a correct way of meditation that takes place. So all these will come into you less and less and until you reach a stage of voidness. Awakening of your true self will soon emerge. Do you need any hint to understand this?


You will be free when you realise your pure Consciousness is your true nature. Your natural state of being is not hidden from you. However you choose to complicate a matter even though how simple or minute a matter will be. I always shake my head when I look at people who prefer to stay in their dreams.


Anger, greed and attachment can not last long, they just come and go. But compassion and loving-kindness are in-rooted in you and in your deep consciousness. A time will come when you wake up from your deep slumber,you know how to get rid of your karmic bad behaviors and all the negativities. When the clouds are dispersed, your bright Sun will radiate the light of your true self.


Be aware of your existence from moment to moment, you will live and enjoy every second of your life.


Contributed by Sanjeev Malhotra 
We need to have a feeling that we are all one. When we say we are all one, it does not mean only for the sake of saying. We have to understand everything is made of atoms and atoms closely packed in molecules and large no. of molecules bunched together looks like shapes to our physical eyes. But there are atoms in the air outside also. Similar atoms are there in walls, bricks, tables and all furnitures and in all human beings. Hence we are all one in terms of our basic unit of existence is atoms. If are concerned only the form our physical eyes see as our physical body in terms or earning, accumulation, growth in terms of finance, knowledge etc and neglecting the same growth of others around us, we are in real terms not growing. It will be like i am cleaning my one hand and leaving the other dirty. If i have to grow, i have to make sure everyone else also grows and has food and enough money for sustenance of life. That is the reason our texts and masters preach for compassion and loving kindness and helping others so that all grow and in real terms we grow.


When you realise who you are, your life and events will unfold accordingly in front of you. You are the most satisfied people who will be contented with everything that you have. You choose to live in simplicity. You throw away all your masks and review your true face to anyone whom you come across. You need not lie but only saying the truth.You feel happy, peaceful and comfortable at all time. Your friends will find you strange and can not believe their eyes and ears when they have conversation with you. They were wondering why your ambition, your aggressiveness and fighting spirit have all disappeared like vapour. They could not see the burning fire in your eyes but compassion and loving-kindness.