Tuesday, December 18, 2012

NOV 17


Contributed by Rahul Malga 

Question: When a man realises the Self, what will he see?

Bhagavan: There is no seeing, seeing is only being. The state of Self-Realisation, as we call it, is not attaining something new or reaching some goal far away, but simply being that, which you always are and which you always have been. All that is needed is that you give up your realisation of the not-true a
s true. …Then we shall realise the Self as the Self - in other words BE the Self. At one stage one would laugh at oneself that one tried to discover the Self which so self-evident. So, what can we say to this question?
( The existence of the self is actually our Buddha nature which all the while follows us from our past life, we are always mistaken the body as self.)


Q: When do I know that I have discovered the truth?
Maharaj: When the idea " this is true", "that is true" does not arise. Truth does not assert itself, it is in the seeing of the false as false and rejecting. It is useless to serch for truth when the mind is blind to the false. It must be purged of the false completely before truth can dawn on it.
( I used to tell my students if they haven't witnessed the evil sides of life, they can't appreciate their good life at this moment of time. I saw many of friends went down to the pit when they have so much money to spend in the evil aspects of life. And it is late for them to see the truth.)


~ Sadguru Nisargadatta Maharaj 
The main thing is to be free of negative emotions-desire, fear etc., the six "enemies" of the mind. Once the mind is free of them, the rest will come easily. Just like a cloth kept in clean water will be clean, so will the mind get purified in the stream of pure feeling. When you keep quiet and watch yourself, all kinds of things may come, so will they go, by themse
lves. All the matters is mindfulness, total awareness of oneself or rather of one's mind. Be onself, I mean the person, which alone is objectively observable. The observer is beyond observation. You know you are the ultimate observer by direct insight, not by logical process based on observation. The self is known as being, the not-self is known as transient. But in reality all is in the mind. The observed, observation and observer are mental constructs. The self alone is.


~ Sadguru Nisargadatta Maharaj 
Realisation is the opposite of ignorance. To take the world as real and one's self as unreal is ignorance, the cause of sorrow; to know the self as the only reality and all else as temporal and transient is freedom, peace and joy. It is all very simple. Instead of seeing things as imagined, learn to see them as they are. When you can see everything as it is, you will also see yourself as you are, it is like cleansing a mirror. The same mirror that shows you the world as it is will also show you your own face. The thought " I am " is the polishing cloth. Use it.


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