Tuesday, December 18, 2012

NOV 11


If you can see the greed, anger (hatred), ignorance, doubt and pride (ego) in you, you have a good chance to transform these five poisons into five wisdoms. Your next rebirth will definately be above grade. From there you can end your cycle of birth and death and be with all the buddhas and bodhisattvas. This is ultimate goal all of us should set and fulfill it. Any taker?


When we gathered together to have meal one of my students will start talking his experience of travelling, how he enjoyed the food and seeing all kinds of interesting things in different towns and countries. I always wonder what had he learned so far and did all these travellings could help him to be brighter with more wisdom or not. 
Back to the Tai chi training, most of them saw and learned my m
ovement and they would not do the movement correctly. I was wondering why these group of intelligent students couldn"t aquire the skills correctly. What have been gone wrong with these people nowadays.
I think they can't differentiate between knowledge ( intelligence ) and wisdom. They think they know all lot and think that that is wisdom. So I told them, nowadays they can get plenty of knowledge from the internet and they don't have memorise them. Of course knowledge is a foundation for aquiring wisdom. They still need to meditate to cultivate in order to get their wisdom. Next, acquiring or learning any form of skills and technique, they need to focus and observe with concentration before they could get it correctly. Last but not least, they need to ask the correct questions in order to get the right answers. ( 2 cents opinion )


~ Sogyal Rinpoche

One of the greatest masters of Tonglen in Tibet was Geashe Chekhawa, who lived in the eleventh century. He was extremely learned and accomplished in many forms of meditation. One day when he happened to be in his teacher's room, he came across a book lying open at the following lines:
Give all profits and gains to others,
Take all loss and defeat on yourself.
The vast and almost unimaginable compassion of these lines astounded him and he set out to find the master who had written them. One day on his journey he met a leper who told him that this master had died.
But Geshe Chekhawa persevered and his long efforts were rewarded when he found the dead master's principle disciple. Geshe Ghekhawa asked his disciple: " Just how important do you think the teachings contained in these two lines are?"
The disciple replied:"Whether you like it or not, you will have to practice this teaching if you truly wish to attain buddhahood."


The way of Zen is simple. In fact it is so simple that it often eludes people. In the study of Zen the biggest obstacle, your great adversary, is your mind. There are really no other barriers to enlightenment, if you are to succeed in understanding Zen's simple message. All you need to do is master the art of letting go. You need to let go of what you think you know, to stand empty, waiting to be 
filled with wisdom. How can you learn a new way of thinking unless you first let go of your old ways of thinking, preconceptions? How can you be happy unless you are able let go of sadness, anger and hatred?
Zen is the awareness of your existence from moment to moment while you are engaging in all kinds of daily activities and chores.

~ Zen

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